
Camille Vidan
Bright Noah
Char Aznable
Emma Sheen
Reccoa Londo
Fa Yuiri
Katsu Kobayashi
Shinta and Qumu
Brex Forra
Henken Beckner
Apolli and Roberto
Astonage Medosso
Amuro Rey
Hayato Kobayashi
Beltochika Ilma

Jerid Messa
Four Murasame
Jamitov Heimann
Bosque Ohm
Paptimus Scirocco
Yazzan Gable
Rozamia Badam
Sara Zabiarov
Kacricon Kakura
Maua Pharaoh
Bran Brutarch
Jamican Danningan
Geits Kappa
Franklin and Hilda Vidan

Earth Federation
Lyla Mira Lyla

Hamaan Khan
Mineva rao Zabi

Melanie Hughes Carbine
Wong Lee
Kai Shiden
Mirai Noah
Frau Kobayashi
Retsu and Kikka Kobayashi

Following Operation Stardust (see Gundam 0083), the Federation has created an elite force to hunt down renegade Zeons and suppress anti-Federation movements in the colonies. This group, the Titans, soon proves to be nothing more than a gang of jackbooted thugs. In UC 0085, Titans forces commanded by Captain Bosque Ohm suppress a spacenoid demonstration at Side 1's "30 bunch" (its 30th colony) with deadly force; pumping nerve gas into the colony, the Titans kill the colony's 3 million inhabitants.

Though the "30 Bunch incident" is successfully hushed up, word of the Titans' massacre spreads among the spacenoid resistance groups. The AEUG ("Anti-Earth Union Group"), a paramilitary force composed of both renegade Federal Forces members and former Zeon soldiers, dedicates itself to opposing the oppression of the Titans. Thanks to the backing of powerful corporations, in particular the moon-based Anaheim Electronics, this resistance group is able to amass a small but well-equipped force. In UC 0087, the AEUG makes its first move, entering the Titans' stronghold at Side 7 to investigate reports that a new Gundam project is under way...


AEUG ace pilot "Quattro Bajina" (a thinly disguised Char Aznable) leads a small reconnaissance group into Side 7. While his wingmen spy on the civilian colony Green Noah 1, Char infiltrates its twin, the industrial colony Green Noah 2 (recently renamed "Gryps"). Having spotted the Titans' new mobile suit, the Gundam Mark II, Char and his fellows elect to attack Green Noah 1. Meanwhile, civilian Camille Vidan, the son of two Titans engineers, has been detained after getting into a brawl with Titans pilot Jerid Messa. When the AEUG launches its attack, Camille is able to escape custody and hijack a Gundam Mark II. The AEUG pilots beat a retreat back to their home ship, the Agama, with Camille and two captured Gundams in tow.

Bosque Ohm, the commanding officer at Gryps, is most displeased with this turn of events. Using Camille's parents as hostages, he almost succeeds in recapturing Camille and the stolen mobile suits. His plan eventually backfires, though, as the AEUG ends up with not only Camille and all three Gundam Mark IIs, but also pure-hearted Titans officer Emma Sheen, who defects to the AEUG. Both Camille's parents are killed in the process, however.

From Side 7 to the moon

Now that open hostilities have begun between the Titans and the AEUG, the Agama immediately hightails it out of Side 7. The AEUG is planning a full-scale assault on the Federation's Jaburo base, now a Titans supply center, so the Agama passes through Earth orbit and drops off espionage specialist Reccoa Londo to scout out the territory. Next stop is 30 Bunch, where the AEUG crew show Emma the crimes committed by the Titans. Here, Camille defeats Federal Forces ace Lyla Mira Lyla and begins to manifest his powerful newtype abilities.

The Agama continues on to the moon, where the ship is restocked while its crew confer with the AEUG's corporate sponsors. Over Char's objections, the sponsors direct the AEUG to proceed with the Jaburo attack, which will serve as a bold declaration of war on the Titans. Stealing several Federation cruisers out of drydock, the AEUG assembles a makeshift fleet and sets off for Earth. En route, the crew rescue a refugee shuttle from a mysterious mobile armor; the shuttle is helmed by former White Base captain Bright Noah, who is promptly pressed into service as captain of the Agama.


The AEUG launches its grand assult, dropping dozens of mobile suits from orbit onto South America. The AEUG pilots meet with minimal resistance, and it soon turns out that they've been led into a trap; the Federation has essentially abandoned Jaburo, leaving behind a time-delayed nuclear charge. The AEUG pilots commandeer some Federation transport planes and escape just in time, then rendezvous with their terrestrial allies, the Kalaba. Leaving behind their surviving mobile suits for the under-equipped Kalaba, the AEUG pilots launch back into space. Soon only Camille is left on Earth. Fighting side by side with one-time Gundam pilot Amuro Rey, he fends off the Titans' pursuit, and the Kalaba's transport plane crosses the Pacific and puts ashore in New Hong Kong.

In New Hong Kong, Camille has a fateful encounter with a willowy lass named Four Murasame, who turns out to be an artificially-enhanced newtype, the pilot of the Titans' huge Psyco Gundam. Falling in love almost at first sight, the star-crossed youngsters can't bring themselves to fight each other. Four turns on the Titans, apparently giving her life to send Camille back to space to rejoin his AEUG comrades. Returning to the Agama, Camille finds that Anaheim and the AEUG have completed the Zeta Gundam, an advanced new mobile suit built to his specifications.

Operation Apollo

Meanwhile, the Titans have been consolidating their position. The Zeon Republic (the post-Zabi regime that now controls Side 3) has allied itself with the Titans, and loaned them the asteroid fortress A Bao A Qu. Moving it to Side 7 and renaming it the "Gate of Sedan", the Titans turn this asteroid into their headquarters. The industrial colony Gryps is split in half, and the Titans begin converting one section into a giant laser cannon, like the Solar Ray used by the Zeons during the One Year War. The devious Paptimus Scirocco joins the Titans and pledges his undying loyalty to their leader, Admiral Jamitov Heimann.

Led by Scirocco, a Titans fleet occupies the lunar city Von Braun; though the AEUG is soon able to drive them out, the Federation Senate is impressed, and signs over complete control of the Federal Forces to the Titans and their sinister leader. With the entire Federal Forces at their disposal, the Titans begin a series of poison-gas attacks on Side 2, a hotbed of support for the AEUG. On Earth, AEUG founder Brex Forra is assassinated by Titans agents and dies in Char's arms, exhorting him to reveal his true identity as Char Aznable - the son of spacenoid martyr Zeon zum Daikun - and take command of the resistance.


Meanwhile, a third force has entered the struggle. The asteroid Axis, with its crew of Zeon refugees, has completed the long journey back to Earth, and both the AEUG and Scirocco's Titans are eager to court this powerful potential ally. The Agama crew are given an audience by eight-year-old Zeon heir Mineva Zabi and her regent - the Axis Zeons' true leader, Hamaan Khan. Mineva greets Char by name, telling the AEUG that he was sent back to Earth as an undercover agent. Char, realizing that Hamaan has turned Mineva into a mere puppet for her own schemes, confronts Hamaan and blows any chance of an alliance.


With this bridge burned, the Agama heads back to Earth orbit to support the Kalaba in their assault on the Titans base at Mount Kilimanjaro in North Africa. Char and Camille accidentally fall to Earth and join the Kalaba attack. Camille is reunited with Four, who has returned to the Titans fold; just when the two youngsters are about to escape together, Camille's perennial nemesis Jerid attacks, killing Four. The Kilimanjaro fortress falls, giving the resistance its first real victory, but Camille is heartbroken.

While they're in the African neighborhood, Char, Camille and the Kalaba visit the Federation capital at Dakar. The Kalaba seize control of the Senate and Char gives an impromptu speech, televised worldwide, in which he outlines the crimes of the Titans and the AEUG's objectives, and finally owns up to his true identity as the son of spacenoid hero Zeon zum Daikun. The fickle Federation is swayed, and withdraws its support for the Titans.

The Colony Laser

The Titans step up their attacks on the AEUG's supporters. In addition to poison-gas attacks, they use Gryps 2, the dreaded "Colony Laser", to blast a Side 2 colony. Loyalties begin switching - former AEUG member Reccoa Londo reappears as Scirocco's moll, while Titans pilot Rozamia Badam, another artificial newtype, claims to be Camille's long-lost half-sister and latches onto the hapless hero. And as Gryps 2 closes in on Anaheim's lunar headquarters, the AEUG's desperate sponsors decide to strike a deal with Hamaan, promising to restore the Zabi regime and place Side 3 under her control if she will help them destroy the Titans' superweapon.

Hamaan stops short of destroying the colony laser, instead crippling it and then seizing it for herself. She then goes to the Titans stronghold at the Gate of Sedan to bargain with their creepy leader, Jamitov. Rebuffed, Hamaan rams the asteroid Axis into the Gate of Sedan, smashing the fortress and scattering the Titans fleet. When a second round of negotiations collapses, Scirocco takes advantage of the confusion to kill Jamitov and blame it on Hamaan.

Operation Maelstrom

The AEUG launches Operation Maelstrom, capturing Gryps 2 from Hamaan's forces. They then use it to divert the drifting Axis before it crashes into the moon. Meanwhile, Scirocco's forces eliminate Bosque Ohm, putting the purple-haired schemer in charge of the remaining Titans fleet. Scirocco's Titans and Hamaan's Zeons close in on Gryps 2 and the small AEUG fleet guarding it. A no-holds-barred battle begins, and characters begin dropping like flies.

While the battle rages, Scirocco enters Gryps 2 and attempts to disable it. Soon he, Char, Hamaan and Camille are engaged in a four-way duel within the colony laser's maw. As the Titans fleet closes in, Agama captain Bright waits anxiously until his pilots are clear, then fires Gryps 2 and wipes out the last of the Titans. Camille and Scirocco, and Char and Hamaan, pair off to settle their scores mano-a-mano. Cornering Char inside a derelict ship, Hamaan cripples his mobile suit and makes a last offer of alliance, but he opts to blow up the ship instead. Meanwhile, Camille summons the ghosts of Four, Rozamia, Emma and his other dead loved ones to help defeat Scirocco, but his dying adversary uses his newtype powers to fry Camille's brain.


The war is over, but the casualties are immense. Though the Titans have been destroyed, the AEUG has been almost wiped out as well; Camille is the Agama's only surviving pilot, and Scirocco's last strike has turned him into a vegetable. While Hamaan withdraws her forces and returns to Axis to ready for her next move, the Agama limps off to Side 1. As the end credits roll, the remains of Char's mobile suit drift by, the cockpit hatch enigmatically open...

Mobile Suit Gundam, Z Gundam, Gundam ZZ, Char's Counterattack, Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket, Gundam F91, Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory, Gundam 0083: Last Blitz of Zeon, Gundam: The 08th MS Team, and Gundam W: Endless Waltz are copyright Sotsu Agency and Sunrise. V Gundam, G Gundam, Gundam W, and Gundam X are copyright Sotsu Agency, Sunrise and TV Asahi.